Venting Steam with the Right Caps for your Walls and Roofs
Aug 23, 2023
Primex Vents has been manufacturing wall and roof caps in British Columbia for over 30 years. Although not sexy and maybe not even on your radar, these vent caps are important for removing harmful water vapor and gasses from your building.
PrimexVents was and still is way ahead
Primex Vents was and still is way ahead of the curve for rainscreen wall caps. Large flanges and a protruding 1” rainscreen box help to flash the cap into the WRB and seal the siding to a well-defined perpendicular plane.
Wall cap faces are easy to remove with just two screws. This is especially beneficial for dryer vent cleaning and when caps are damaged. The body remains intact and continues to keep the penetration sealed.
Whether you are renovating a condominium property, building an apartment building or constructing townhomes, Primex Vents has you covered. Wall and roof caps come in many standard dimensions and are suitable for wood, composite, stucco and brick facades. They are available in 8 standard colors and can be easily post painted after applying a primer. All types, sizes and colors are available at Gensco in Washington and Oregon.
Please see the link below for the full catalog:
Please see the locations for Gensco at the following link: